Centar za razvoj i radost vas poziva na Uvodnu Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) obuku, koja će se održati online putem Zoom aplikacije 3. i 4. aprila 2021. godine.
Ovo je uvodna obuka za sve zainteresovane da nauče više o značaju i osnovnim tehnikama rada sa traumatskim iskustvima. Takođe, ova uvodna obuka je jedan od uslova za sve zainteresovane za pohađanje trogodišnje edukaciju za SE™ (SE™ professional training). Somatic Experiencing® profesionalni program realizuje se u celom svetu i profesionalcima različitih profesija daje znanja i veštine potrebne za uspešan tretman PTSP-a, kao i razvojnih trauma i trauma od šoka.
SE™ pristup je telesno orijentisan i pomaže obnavljanju sposobnosti samoregulacije nervnog sistema, i tako ojačava kapacitet klijenta za potpuno uživanje u širokom spektru ljudskog iskustva. Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) je prirodan pristup isceljivanju, razrešavanju i prevenciji trauma koji je razvio Peter A. Levine Ph.D. Ova revolucionarna metoda podržana najnovijim saznanjima neurologije i psihologije, temelji se na ideji da trauma nije isključivo psihološki fenomen, već kompleks psiholoških i fizioloških reakcija na intenzivno i preplavljujuće iskustvo. „Trauma nije u događaju, već u našem nervnom sistemu.” Naš odgovor na traumatsko iskustvo je pre svega fiziološki i zato trauma ne može da se razreši samo kroz naše kognitivne kapacitete i veštine. U SE™ radimo sa završavanjem kompleksnog fiziološkog odgovora našeg nervnog sistema koji je iniciran, ali se nije završio kada smo bili izloženi opasnosti.
Uvodna SE™ obuka sastoji se od predavanja, diskusije, demonstracije i nudi značajno lično iskustvo kroz interaktivne vežbe. Obezbeđen je prevod na srpski jezik. Polaznici dobijaju sertifikat o pohađanju dvodnevne uvodne obuke.
O voditelju obuke:
Obuku vodi Kavi Gemin, učitelj i kodirektor međunarodnog Kraniosakral Instituta (International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing®) i član međunarodnog predavačkog SE™ tima Somatic Experiencing® faculty.
Diplomirao je na Kanadskom univerzitetu za osteropatiju i ima višegodišnje iskustvo u primeni različitih psihosomatskih disciplina. Praktikuje i podučava o kraniosakral biodinamici od 1995. godine. Pored toga, njegove studije uključuju rad iz oblasti razvojne psihologije i rad sa unutrašnjim detetom. Završio je edukaciju za prenatalne i trauma vezane za rođenje kod Ray Castellino, kao i edukaciju sa System Centered Teachings® kod Yvonne Agazarian za rad sa grupnim dinamikama i ljudskim sistemima. Fasciniran je Somatic Experiencing® koji je učio od Pitera Levina, a od 2001. godine je sertifikovani SE™ praktičar. Od tada asistira i supervizira studente na mnogim edukacijama, a kao član SE™ predavačkog tima u svoj rad unosi strast, jedinstveni pristup u radu, znanje iz psihologije i neurobiologije, jasnoću i kreativnost.
Informacije i prijave
Datum i vreme:
Subota, 3.4.2021.
- 10:00–13:00
- 13:00–14:30 pauza za ručak
- 14:30–17:30
Nedelja, 4.4.2021.
- 10:00–13:00
- 13:00–14:30 pauza za ručak
- 14:30–17:30
Cena obuke iznosi 120 EUR.
Prijave i kontakt osoba:
Jelena Marković
Imejl: centarzarazvojiradost@gmail.com
Sajt: www.razvojiradost.rs
Tel: +381 63 241 499
Kliknite da preuzmete program Uvodne Somatic Experiencing (SE) obuke u .pdf formatu.
SOMATIC EXPERIENCING® – Introductory training with KAVI GEMIN
Centre for Inner Development and Joy invites you to the Introductory Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) Training, to be held online using the zoom application on April 3-4, 2021.
This is an introductory training for anyone interested in learning more about the importance and basic techniques of working with traumatic experiences. Also, this introductory training is one of the prerequisites for anyone interested in attending a three-year SE™ training (SE™ professional training). The Somatic Experiencing® Professional Program is being implemented worldwide and provides professionals from different fields of work with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully treat PTSD as well as developmental and shock traumas.
The SE™ approach is body-oriented and helps restore the self-regulation ability of the nervous system, thus enhancing the client’s capacity to fully enjoy a wide range of human experience. Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) is a natural approach to healing, resolution and prevention of trauma developed by Peter A. Levine Ph.D. This revolutionary method, supported by the latest knowledge of neurology and psychology, is based on the idea that trauma is not exclusively a psychological phenomenon, but a complex of psychological and physiological responses to an intense and overwhelming experience: “Trauma is not in an event, but in our nervous system”. Our response to traumatic experience is primarily physiological and therefore trauma cannot be resolved solely through our cognitive capacities and skills. At SE™, we work to complete the complex physiological response of our nervous system that was initiated but did not end when we were exposed to the danger.
Introductory SE™ training consists of lectures, discussions, demonstrations and offers significant personal experience through interactive exercises. The training will be held in English with translation to Serbian. The participants will receive a two-day introductory training certificate.
About Kavi Gemin:
Kavi Gemin, the leader of the training is a teacher and co-director of the International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing® and a member of the Somatic Experiencing® faculty. Graduated from the Canadian College of Osteopathy, he has extensive training in various psychosomatic disciplines. He practices and Craniosacral Biodynamics since 1995. His studies include various areas of developmental psychology and work with the inner child. He completed the training on prenatal and birth trauma with Ray Castellino and is educated in the principles of System Centered Teachings®, developed by Yvonne Agazarian, for working with Group dynamics and human systems. Fascinated by Somatic Experiencing®, he studied with Peter Levine and is SEP certified since 2001. Since than he has assisted and supervised students in many Somatic Experiencing® trainings, and as a member of the Somatic Experiencing® faculty, Kavi brings his passion and his love for physiology and neurobiology in his lessons with clarity and creativity.
Info and Applications
Date and time:
Saturday 03/04/2021
- 10:00–13:00
- 13:00–14:30 Lunch break
- 14:30–17:30
Sunday 04/04/2021
- 10:00–13:00
- 13:00–14:30 Lunch break
- 14:30–17:30
The price of the training is 120 EUR.
Registration and contact:
Jelena Marković
Email: centarzarazvojiradost@gmail.com
Website: www.razvojiradost.rs
Phone: +381 63 241 499
Download: Introductory Somatic Experiencing (SE) Training (.pdf)